Thursday, February 25, 2010

I like it slow

It was like enlightening – I really don’t like to be pushed! I like it slow…
Slow fashion, slow art, slow cloth… Slow process. Whether it is the process of making or the process of thinking about it.
Any idea is like a baby who grows in his mother’s womb for a certain time until he is let out to the world. (Yet there are brainstorm ideas as well that are brilliant. But this is fast only on conscious level as any enlightening is a result of a long process hidden in the subconsciousness).
I’ve been told many times that my felt items seem to have special aura or soul, story behind them. I guess this comes from being slow with what I do and giving time for that soul of an item grow and develop.
I like taking my time for thinking about felt, sometimes even months or years. And though fast results are tempting I prefer it slow.
I’ve been thinking about this tunic for a boy for several months before I started making it. Though  the result might look simple, it really had a deeper meaning for me.
And this piece took about 3 months to dye with plants the way I wanted it. Another few months of thinking of using it in felting.
And this neck piece took 2 Summers of constant exposure to the Sun until it was bleached as white as I wanted it!
The bleacher would have done it in a day or so. But it wouldn’t have put any good energy or soul to the cloth…

Though I like being on Etsy, at some point it is out of my comfort zone as there’s so much pressure – list list list, upload, give new works every day if you don’t want to drown in the ocean of all items listed there. And it’s simply not my way of working. I am not baking pancakes… When I feel pressure (and again – it’s not the same thing as having to work for a thrilling project with a deadline that actually mobilizes all your inner processes, insights and effects the actual making with adrenaline), I start to rebel or shut myself inside and feel paralyzed, not being able to do a thing until I cure myself from any thoughts of pressure. Creative ideas are something like a fox and the Little Prince trying to domesticate each other, just a little step towards each other in a day.
Kartais imi ir suvoki staiga – man tikrai nepatinka spaudimas! Patinka lėtumas…
Lėta mada, menas, lėtos medžiagos… Lėtas procesas. Ne tik lėtas darymo procesas, bet ir lėtas apmąstymo procesas.
Kiekviena idėja yra tarsi vaisius, augantis įsčiose tam tikrą laiką, kol yra paleidžiamas į pasaulį. (Žinoma, yra ir genialių žaibiškų idėjų-nušvitimų. Visgi jos yra greitos tik sąmoningame lygyje. Kiekvienas nušvitimas yra ilgo pasąmoninio proceso rezultatas).
Daug kartų teko girdėti, jog mano veltinio darbai turi ypatingą aurą, sielą, pasislėpusią juose istoriją. Tikriausiai tas jausmas gimsta iš lėtumo tame, ką darau – laiko, per kurį kiekvienas darbas vystosi ir auga.
Man reikia laiko galvojimui apie tai, ką aš darau. Kartais net mėnesių ar metų. Ir nors greiti rezultatai visuomet viliojantys, paprastai renkuosi lėtumą.
Daug mėnesių galvojau apie baltą komunijai skirtą tuniką vienam berniukui prieš pradėdama ją daryti. Nors galutinis rezultatas gali atrodyti paprastas, visgi man jame slypi daug gilesnė prasmė.
Dažymas augalais kartais trunka ir 3 mėnesius, kol išgauni tokius subtilius tonų perėjimus, kokių norisi. Dar keli mėnesiai skiriami apmąstymams, kokiam veltinio objektui skirtas tas medžiagos gabalėlis.
Išbalinti balikliu turbūt galima per parą, tačiau kartais prireikia 2 saulėtų vasarų, kad saulės išbalintas šilkas ir vilna įgytų tą teigiamą energiją, dvasią, kurią, tikiu, sugeria iš saulės…
Buvimas Etsyje labai dviprasmiškas. Man patinka siūlyti savo darbus Etsy-je, tačiau iš kitos pusės nori to ar nenori, patiri spaudimą kelti vis naujus darbus, atnaujinti senus vien tam, kad nepaskęstum Etsy’io pasiūlos jūroje. Tai nėra mano stilius. Aš nekepu blynų…  Jusdama spaudimą (nemaišykite to su kokiu nors įkvepiančiu projektu, turinčiu terminus, kuris išties tik mobilizuoja visus vidinius procesus, įžvalgas bei įjungia antrą kvėpavimą dirbant), pradedu maištauti arba užsisklendžiu savyje ir jaučiuosi paralyžuota, negalinti nieko daryti tol, kol neišsilaižau visų minčių apie spaudimą. Kūrybiškos mintys yra kaip lapė ir Mažasis Princas, bandantys prisijaukinti vienas kitą pamažu, po mažą žingsnelį vienas kito link.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Felt you. Felt me

When I felt, I usually felt something that has been felt by me, that is coming from the inside consciously or not, like blank verse, as well as little games and experiments or I felt something that I felt about the person who has ordered the piece of felt. From a certain point of view you can always feel more comfortable with felting just what you felt coming from your own self. But it’s just one point of view. If you don’t have a privilege of only leting people find things that warm their souls but are truly you, you are finding your ways to feel comfortable in making things that feel like “they", i.e. you take custom orders. Though there must be a healthy balance between things “felt for yourself and felt for others” (different for every artist I believe), there is definetly so much value in felting for others. When a client makes an order, there is invisible connection built between the maker and the receiver. It’s complicated to explain that if you have never tried to experience “the other” in you…
I sense “the other”. Unconsciously I see the world and feel the world through my client’s eyes. I choose colors and materials that are that person. And it seems I can sense how that person moves, talks, how he touches the things I felt… And I felt a part of that person into any piece I make for him. And it usually doesn’t look like something I would felt if I was felting “myself”. Or the colors are not the ones that I would ever pick if I was felting just what I personally feel without any thoughts of anyone else… But…THAT connection with another human being (even in unconscious level) is something like a miracle that opens a world to you. It’s a connection that shows you the places you’ve never been to, makes you meet and know people you’ve never met or knew, it makes you feel being someone you’ve never been or will be… Perhaps that’s why when my client receives his order I usually get a feedback – That’s me!..
colors, style, forms…the story that is in that piece…anything and everything – how could you ever know that??
I don’t know. I just sense.

Into the world of deep relaxation

It happened a month ago, just never found time for my blog… But I’d like to thank everyone who voted for my rug in Etsy voter and…it was a winner!
There was a short article in Storque (Etsy’s blog) with a wonderful title – Vilte ushers us into a world of deep relaxation (sigh)
And it was interesting to read the comments and find out that this rug in this photo looked like the wave of the ocean coming to the shore for many many readers. I guess it really looks like this, especially when you look at it from a distance…
And there’s definetly something so relaxing in this rug…White color, natural wildness of the raw wool, delicate touch of silk that always bring me in some state of meditation whenever I look at it or touch…


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