Monday, December 20, 2010

Book “Veltinis”

So a month of intensive work of editing and curating photos for my book “Veltinis” has passed and the book is already on the shelves of the bookstores. It is the second edition of my book that was first published in 2008. But this time it has even more techniques and tips for success, as well as new photos and new design.
Here I must say big thank you to young talented designer who worked on the book with me – Tomas aka promopocket. Love his contemporary and clean approach to the design. Thank you, Tomas!
Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to publish this book. And really big thanks to my readers who were contacting and contacting my publisher until he asked me to repeat the book again :)
It has been the first book about felt in Lithuania. The book is in Lithuanian language only, but it is full of inspiring photos of works of Lithuanian feltmakers (as well as 2 from neighbor countries).
The book covers basic felting techniques, lots of tips for success and creative surface decoration. It's a book for inspiration and encouragement for your creativity in the world of felt. Could be purchased here.






Sunday, December 12, 2010

Corner shop – for fiber supplies

As every fiber artist I sometimes have a weak point when it comes to buying fiber supplies and sometimes I buy too much what actually becomes excess supplies. Or as my works evolves I refine the ways and materials I work with and sometimes some of them loose interest for me as I move forward. That’s why I decided to open a little corner shop for my excess supplies on Etsy – feltfeltfelt. Please stop by and see whether some materials would be asking you to be used in your projects rather than laying in shelves at my place ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Workshop updates

As you might have noticed I have added News section to my blog where I will be updating information on the coming workshops and other events connected with my felting.

As the first workshop at the Italian Felt Academy has been filled, the second workshop has been announced in March 15-17, Verona, Italy. More information on Agostina’s website.


Na ir kalėdinis siurprizas lietuvaičiams, mylintiems veltinį. Nors buvom nusprendę nebekartoti mano knygos “Veltinis” leidimo, bet, vis gaudamas Jūsų prašymus, leidėjas nusprenė dar kartą išleisti šią knygą. Redaguotą, papildytą nauja informacija, naujais skyriais, dar daugiau patarimų ir atnaujintų fotografijų! Tikiuosi kažkam tai taps gražia ir naudinga kalėdine dovana :)


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