I am very happy to finally announce that I will be giving a master workshop “Archaic felt in modern couture” at the Italian Felt Academy in Verona, Italy, hosted by genial textil artist Agostina Zwilling, in March 11-13, 2011.

The class will cover felting a nuno dress from raw fleeces (Drenthe Heath included!) and fabric manipulations – i.e. combining archaic, primal aspect of felt and modern couture details.
All correspondance about the workshop should be adressed to Agostina.
Agostina Zwilling:
Cari amici e colleghi,
ho dato vita alla Italian Felt Academy
con l'intento di offrire un contenitore di formazione professionale e artistica.
Trovate nel programma 2010/2011 in allegato seminari di feltro tenuti da quattro artiste del feltro.
Dear friends and colleagues,
with the foundation of the Italian Felt Academy I wanted to create an institution for professional and artistic tuition.
In the attached 2010/2011 programme are workshops for felt makers held in Italy by four renowned felt artists.
Chers amis et collègues,
en fondant l' Italian Felt Academy j'ai décidé de créer une structure pour la formation continue professionelle et artistique.
Dans le programme 2010/2011 ci-joint il y a des ateliers pour les amateurs du feutre, tenus en Italie par quatre artistes du feutre.
Liebe Freunde und Kollegen,
mit der Gründung der Italian Felt Academy will ich ein Institut schaffen, das der beruflichen und künstlerischen Weiterbildung dient.
Im Programm 2010/2011 stehen Workshops für FilzerInnen, die von vier bekannten Künstlerinnen in Italien gehalten werden.