Wednesday, February 16, 2011

felt and fiber women

Not too much time left for the blog with all the projects going on and preparation for the workshops this Spring (though you can always find some little updates in my Facebook page), but I just wanted to share and enjoy a beautiful idea of other fiber artist Ricarda Assman to connect many fiber women in one e-book of artists. And I am also happy that Ricarda and Hans have designed a beautiful page with my profile for the book.
Vilte-KazlauskaiteYou can find all profiles here.

As I read my profile now there is so much more I want to add about my connection to felting process, but the space was limited. No time right now, but I think I am going to share more insights about that in my blog in a near future.
Nedaug laiko belieka dienoraščio rašymui, kuomet tiesiog užgriuvę įvairūs projektai bei pasiruošimas kursams, kuriuos vesiu pavasarį, nors visgi Facebook puslapyje karts nuo karto atnaujinu naujienas. Tiesiog norėjau pasidalinti labai gražia kitos menininkės idėja sujungti daugelį moterų, užsiimančių tekstilės menu vienoje elektroninėje knygoje. Vienam menininkui – 2 knygos puslapiai. Labai džiaugiuosi ir šių puslapių dizainu, kurį sukūrė Ricarda ir Hans. “Felt and fiber women” knygoje – daugybė menininkių portretų.
Dabar skaitydama savo profilį, manau, kad dar tiek daug galėčiau pasakyti apie savo santykį su veltiniu, tačiau, žinoma, vieta puslapiuose nebuvo beribė, tad… manau, kad savo įžvalgas paliksiu kitam kartui pasidalinimui šiame dienoraštyje.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

News. Workshops

If you haven’t yet noticed, I have made a section “News” on the right column of my blog where you can find all updated information about the workshops I give: News



March 11-13 and March 15-17, 2011 - "Archaic felt in modern couture" at Italian Felt Academy
April 8-10 and April 11-13, 2011 - "Beyond the surface: fabric manipulation in making nuno felt dresses" at studio Filt Viltwerk, the Netherlands
April 15-17, 2011 "Beyond the surface: fabric manipulation in making nuno felt dresses" at VrouwWolle studio, Belgium
May, 2011 - "Beyond the surface: fabric manipulation in making nuno felt dresses", " Beyond the surface: fabric manipulation. Creative samples". UK - info will be updated.
June 21-23; 24-26, 2011 - "Beyond the surface: fabric manipulation in making nuno felt dresses". Moscow, Russia, Проект "Шерстяные чудеса" совместно с интернет-магазином "Шкатулочка".

There might be some spots left in the workshops in the Netherlands and Belgium or probably just the Netherlands during the dates April 11-13, 2011. So if you were interested in learning how to felt nuno dresses my style, hurry up.


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