I keep on studying plants and their properties. And having dreams of their roots, leaves and blossoms at night, as well as their latin and common names spining in my head while I sleep.
And getting amazed how blind I have been walking on the green grass and seeing just a green grass before when I see hundreds of different species of our green world now...
My experiments with eco / plant dyeing continue
with my nuno felt shawl "Tale of Gold" that has a memory of many kinds of plants - their blossoms and leaves.

and another wild and elegant bracelet from rare Drenthe Heath wool, merino wool, silk (all dyed with plants) and amber - "Desert Kings and Queens"

P.S. Many thanks to all of you for featuring my work again on:
ecco*eco by Abigail Doan
paulaartonetsy by Paula McCullough
blueberryshoes by Hollie Sturgeon
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