Haute Nature - blog, covering ecologically based creative ideas, art & green products for your children, home and lifestyle...an eco guide blending high style with sustainability, has featured my felted bracelet - Where the Wild Angels Live.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Where the Wild Angels Live
European Street Team (Etsy) challenge that I am hosting will come to an end this evening. And my theme for all the members was Wild versus Elegant. This theme evolved naturally from my inside world.
I love wild, raw, natural, and chaotic... Prefer a wild mustang over a domesticated horse. Wildness symbolizes freedom for me. It's the energy that makes everything flow in the world.
I love elegancy, grace, I am always looking for it in any objects, materials. My understanding of elegancy is of course subjective and might seem weird sometimes. Usually wild and elegant are not considered to be a one. Usually man made objects that claim to be wild are lacking grace in their form; and the ones that claim to be elegant are too much polished and perfect, lacking a sense of freedom and natural life.
For me wild and elegant go together, one in another, entangled in each other... There is so much grace and elegancy in the wild world. It's just a question of how you look at it.

My entry for the challenge is a bracelet felted from raw Drenthe Heath wool (no, it's not fur, it's felted fleece!), merino wool, silk and Baltic amber. Drenthe Heath has the strongest expression of wildness here, while the rest - merino wool, silk and amber combine wild and elegant nature in themselves.

It might look soft as a feather, but actually it is pretty rough (Drenthe Heath), and I love this combination between soft, gentle and rough, raw, wild... I called it
W h e r e t h e W i l d A n g e l s L i v e

Kur gyvena laukiniai angelai. Apyrankė iš šilko, merinosų vilnos, Drenthe Heath vilnos ir baltiško gintaro.
Myliu tai, kas turi laukinę sielą, neapdirbtą prigimtį, tai, kas natūralu ir kiek chaotiška… Visuomet renkuosi laukinį laisvą mustangą, o ne ramų prijaukintą kuiną. Laukinė siela yra laisvė. Tai energija, kuri viską pasaulyje priverčia tekėti.
Myliu eleganciją, grakštumą. To ieškau visuose objektuose ar medžiagose aplink. Elegancija gan subjektyvi. Ir elegancija paprastai nėra tapatinama su laukiniškumu. Žmonių pagaminti daiktai, siejami su laukiniškumu, paprastai stokoja grakštumo; o tie, kurie siejami su elegancija, dažnai būna per daug nušlifuoti, per daug tobuli, stokojantys net minčių apie laisvę ir natūralumą.
Laukinė siela ir elegancija man – viena su kita susipynusios išraiškos… Viskas priklauso nuo požiūrio ar…įžvalgos.
Felt United - a call to participate on International Day of Felt

Elis Vermeulen (The Netherlands) and Cynthia Reynolds (Norway) are organizing this event and are calling all felt artists around the World to participate. I said "yes" for Lithuania!
"The theme for this year will be a slice of the colour wheel, yellow through red.
People around the world will be surprised by finding yellow felt on doorsteps, orange felt birds in parks, children wearing red felt vests and husbands carrying bright felt bags to work. There will be felt in museums and felt in markets. There will be felt groups organizing open days and workshops.
...felt in trees, on cars on bicycles and on mountaintops.
This is an open call to felters around the world who have not yet heard about FeltUnited. We are asking felters everywhere to participate on October 3rd, 2009.
Display your felt - on your front door, in the park, along the road or on your car. Anywhere your heart desires... be wild! Have fun! Let the world see what you make".
Love it!
2009 spalio 3 d. – pirmoji tarptautinė veltinio diena, kurios tema – spalvos geltona-oranžinė-raudona. Ir mes, t.y. Lietuva, dalyvaujame! :)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Bloom Rider

Wedding veil B l o o m R i d e r. silk chiffon, merino wool, silk, banana silk yarn
Colors. We usually ask about favorite colors. And this simple question always confused me as it never looked simple to me. How can you have one favorite color? I like certain colors to look at, others - to wear, to use in my living space, certain colors for certain objects...And certain color as a philosophy of colors.
Colors are changing during the life. Some colors come and go, some always return, some you seam to hate but find yourself attracted to them after several years, and some you love and just can't bear any more of them after a while. Colors are flowing energies in life.
I usually had problems with working, wearing, looking at pink color in my life. It was one of the colors that wasn't so easy for me to accept. And just not so long ago I found I could appreciate it, I could find beauty in it, accept it and create with it.
"Pink is the color of universal love".
"Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance".
I do hope it means I managed to embrace more of universal love..and accept (myself?)
Spalvos yra įvairovė. Ir labai sunku nusakyti mėgstamiausią spalvą, kadangi vienos spalvos tinka dėvėti, lytėti, kitos žiūrėti ar būti jose…
Vienos spalvos patinka dabar, kitos anksčiau ar vėliau. Vienos spalvos ateina ir išeina, kitos – pasilieka visada.
Rožinė – ir vėl sunkoka spalva man… Tačiau kartais ateina laikas, kuomet sugebi įsiklausyti ir į šią spalvą, ją įvertinti, suprasti ir ja kurti.
Rašoma, jog rožinė – visuotinės meilės spalva, sukurianti švelnumo, globos jausmus, savo vertės suvokimą ir gebėjimą save mylėti, priimti.
Ar gebėjimas kurti rožine spalva reiškia, jog sugebi aprėpti daugiau visuotinos meilės ir.. priimti..(save?)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Giving and receiving of the give away
As I have posted almost a week ago there was a giveaway on Ravenhill's (Emily from Oslo) blog. A giveaway of one of my shawls - F e a t h e r s.
But I am not going to speak about what I gave away. I wanted to speak about something that I received. And I did receive a lot.
Lots of beautiful, heartwarming, motivating, magical words from all the people who visited my Etsy shop and devoted their time and attention to what I create. Feedback is what reconnects you with those who see, touch, own or dream about what you create. It means a lot to me. Thank you all!
OK, I checked out the shop and my first impression was "sensuous!" The photography does a great job not only of showing off Vilte's beautiful colors and designs, but it is very evocative of the airy caress of silk and Nuno felt. I think she has a gorgeous product and shows it off well in the shop. I wish Vilte much success in her "Felt Magic" venture. Kristin L
she has the most tender felted shawls I've ever seen! I think Salome would've loved to use them for her dance :) zsb creations
I have been to the shop and I must say, I have never seen anything like this before. I love the colour combinations and the look of those contarasting textures... no wonder there is a pic of some one wearing nothing but the shawl! Christina
..it's been like a daydream, gorgeous materials skilfully matched, and a pleasant atmosphere of lightness all around...I'm in LOVE with Vilte's shop!!! logos63
Viltes creations are for me a bit fairy, romantic, very feminine!!
She is a real felt artist, with a very own style!! fleurfatale
She is a real felt artist, with a very own style!! fleurfatale
These are pieces of wearable art!!! Lunaticart
I love all her creations ! And the way she photographs them is really fabulous ! enchanting ! P8
completely dream creations, beautiful work and great imagination with her textures and designs. .. magic! the feeling of visiting something a little exotic too .. the photography is divine and very theatrical :) sigmosaics
my breath is always taken away by the beauty of the work and the photographs. whenever I go to her shop I am always transported to another reality of beauty and etherialness. It's like visiting a DREAM. the work is beautiful and inspiring. paula
There is something about the flow and textures that seem so free and organic. Heidi
The whole shop is very sensual..and..yes, sexy. :) Who can ever resist?!! NOt only the scarfs are fantastic..also the pictures and story behind them!! Alise Lake
Her shop is like art gallery - it's indeed wearable ART! JaneBo
I love Vilte's work. She creates with passion, and it shows in her beautiful shawls! Dawn, from LaTouchables
Impressions-- I like her generous use of fabric-- these are really shawls not scarves. I like the movement in her pictures and the way the fabric floats and drapes.
I also enjoy her bold use of color. thebeadedlily
I also enjoy her bold use of color. thebeadedlily
when i first saw her shop, i thought it looked very elegant and sophisticated. her shawls look like they were made for anyone who deserves to be spoiled! sarah
She has a sensual approach to art. Very pretty, and unique. Sarah
These are just some comments that were left.
Kartais duodamas gauni daug daugiau nei duodi. Gauni atgalinį ryšį, kurio kartais taip trūksta (ypač Lietuvoje ;) ) Perfrazuojant japonų posakį – vienas šiltas žodis sušildo visus 3 mėnesius…
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